Meeting agenda
Meeting agenda

These two levels of focus are deeply linked yet distinct. This is the operational level, grounded in the organization's reality. They work in the business, managing teams, monitoring programs, and clearing any roadblocks that get in the way.

meeting agenda

This is the strategic level, setting the organization's aspirations. They work on the business, setting strategy, reviewing performance, and safe-keeping the organization’s long term health.To make this work, they must act at two levels. The leadership team's job is to make decisions that keep reality aligned with the strategy, and the strategy relevant to the day-to-day reality. They also need to understand the context in which they operate, so their decisions can be implemented. To do so, they need to understand the organization's overall strategy, so they can make decisions in line with that strategy. High-performing leadership teams make decisions rapidly, but not recklessly. In his 2017 letter to shareholders, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos emphasized the importance of accelerating decision making velocity. This post covers the core meetings that drive effective business management. Today, we’re putting all that into practice. You can read all about the core function of meetings, the underlying structures that make them work, and the science behind effective decision making in meetings on our blog. Recently we’ve been exploring the science and theory behind what makes meetings successful.

meeting agenda

It’s the well-run business that we're after. It was because meetings are the most powerful tool, but also the most neglected, underdeveloped, and misapplied tool, we can use to create a healthy business. When we started Lucid Meetings, it wasn’t because we were all excited about meetings.

  • How the Leadership Cadence Meetings Work Together.
  • BONUS: The Monthly + Anytime Decision Making Meeting.
  • The Leadership Team Meeting Agenda Templates.
  • The Dual Cadence of Leadership Meetings.

  • Meeting agenda